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About Us

We have experience. We know how to foster relationships.

We know how to help your business make meaningful connections.

About the Chamber

Approximately ten years ago, the Gratiot Avenue Business Association was formed working closely with the Macomb First Business Alliance. In 2015, they combined and became the Gratiot Avenue Chamber of Commerce Macomb (GACCM) , serving all 9 communities along the Gratiot corridor: Eastpointe, Roseville, Clinton Township, Mount Clemens, Chesterfield, Lennox, Richmond, the Village of New Haven and Macomb Township representing the interests of approximately 350,000 residents.


With a record of success along the Gratiot corridor the Gratiot Chamber was asked to assist in the formation of other Chambers. In early 2017, the Southeast Michigan Chamber of Commerce was formed with its affiliated chambers, the Warren Center Line Chamber of Commerce, and flagship chamber, the Gratiot Avenue Chamber of Commerce.  With the coalescing of the various Chambers under this banner the interests of 11 communities and 500,000 residents are represented. 


These Chambers offer the traditional programs and opportunities generally associated with chambers of commerce: networking, educational workshops and forums, business to business marketing opportunities, discounted services and products, health insurance and other health and health related products.  


These Chambers are unique in their advocacy work at the local, state and federal level through a proactive lobbying process creating business opportunities for its membership.  


The affiliated Chambers have taken a leadership role assisting local non profits and community organizations.  In particular work with and on behalf of the homeless community.  Since 2019 through its various foundations and fundraising activities giving back more than $500,000.


The Chamber staff gets to know each member and help to connect members by arranging working meetings to discuss opportunities to work together. 


The SMCC in its previous iterations, Macomb First Business Alliance and the Gratiot Avenue Business Association as well as its current affiliates were instrumental in organizing and or guiding the development of the following organizations:


American Albanian Cultural and Economic Exchange (Co-Founder)

Cruisin' 53 (Co-Founder)
Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (MCREST) (Primary Nonprofit)
Macomb Health and Fitness Foundation (Co-Founder)
North Gratiot Cruise Foundation (Co-Founder)
Roseville Heritage Foundation (Co-Founder)
Run Macomb (Co-Founder)

Run Warren (Founder)
Warren Community Foundation (Founder)


We've expanded over the years to include the creation of subsequent organizations.


Take a look at how far our reach extends!

SMCC Org Chart new cropped.png

Our Chambers


Warren Center Line Chamber of Commerce


In June 2017, the City of Warren and the Southeast Michigan Chamber of Commerce created the Warren Area Chamber of Commerce and held the kick off event at Andiamos.  One of the main reasons the charter was establisehd was to promote activities in the City of Warren and to create events for the residents of Warren.  The first event was Run Warren which had 150 runners and gave $7,000 back to the community.


Gratiot Area Chamber of Commerce


Approximately ten years ago, the Gratiot Avenue Business Association was formed and worked closely with the Macomb First Business Alliance. In 2015, they combined and became the Gratiot Avenue Chamber of Commerce (GACC).

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